Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Have You Been Doing?

I've tried very hard to keep this site updated more regularly. I try to have a couple things prepared if "life" steps in and I know I won't have a chance to get the latest work up.  The last week was difficult as my daughter had "strep throat".  Any parent can tell you that seeing your child sick in any way is difficult.  Fortunately, the fever roller coaster seems to have stopped and tomorrow she returns to school.

I also had the great opportunity to do a small presentation for the local Boy Scouts about what I do.  I have to admit that when I was approached about it they explained they wanted a local "artist".  I was honored, but somewhat apprehensive. I'm afraid I don't quite have an opinion formed on whether or not you can call any of what I do "art".  I was happy to speak to them and discuss that very topic. I doubt you'll be shocked to hear that young boys still like hot rods, rockets, robots and Star Wars....middle aged men and women, too!  They were a very receptive group and I enjoyed it a great deal.

So other than taking my daughter's temperature what have I been up to?  Ah, that's the fun part.  We'll begin with a video and a picture and I'll fill you in over the next few days.


  1. Looks cool Doug....kind of like a movie reel.

    And what's this?
    "...whether or not you can call any of what I do "art""
    I'm shocked! Darn tootin' you're making art my friend! Fantastic Artistic Creations!

    Can't wait to see what you're doing to that trailer....is it yours or a clients?


  2. The trailer is mine...It's been sitting patiently waiting for me to get to it. It's time!
