One of the very first people I met at my first Walldog event (an event where more than a hundred artists descend upon a town to paint murals over a few days) was a man named Steve Luck. We endured a massive rain storm under a tent and learned that making good memories doesn't always happen during the sunny days. I spent some time that year painting with Steve and learned about his sign shop called "Sign Magic" in Godfrey, Illinois...near St. Louis.
Steve bought his own cnc machine last year and he's been itching to learn how to do more than carve out letters and cut pockets. Steve, like many of us who make signs, is very visual. A "hands-on" situation where Steve can watch, and then try it himself is ideal. He's asked for awhile if he might come over for a day or weekend to play and learn. I know Steve is creative, and I also know that until you get comfortable with the machine, it's hard to focus on being creative.
He'll be here bright and early tomorrow morning, and I'll be showing him what I know so far. I think we'll move up the ladder quickly...starting with making what we call prismatic letters, and then move on to more advanced things like importing 3D models and slicing them to carve...and then dig in to making your own dimensional designs and getting more complex. By the end of the weekend, I hope to learn some new things as well. I believe that one of the best parts of trying to teach others is learning more yourself. I have no doubt Steve and I will do some laughing, have some fun and make some cool things. I also hope he'll head back home with enough tools in his how-to kit to make some amazing things that will help him take his own business to the next level.
Why help him? Because lots of people have helped me so far, and I have no problems trying to pay back a little of what I've been given. Besides, I need to continue to sharpen up my's time to start pushing my friend Dan.
The shop has been cleaned up a bit, and I'm ready to go!
Bring it on Doug! :)