Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Planning for the workshop

I know that some of the people who will attend my first workshop will have little to no experience with a cnc machine.  I also know that I have come to focus on about 70% of the capabilities of the CarveWright.  I decided that to make the class something special for those taking at as well as myself, I need to be prepared to show them 100% of the advertised capabilities and then a dizzying assortment of things I've figured out how to do on my own.  It's an opportunity to really dig a little more under the hood of the CarveWright and to see just how far I can push certain capabilities.
I'm very aware that the folks at CarveWright have a massive amount of work in place for future software revisions that will do even more than some would imagine.  I look forward to it! But in the meantime, how can certain tasks be accomplished?
3D lettering is something that I think deserves a great deal of attention...is there a way to get cool 3D letters using only Designer? What about secondary applications? Can I make something and import it to be used in the CarveWright? The short answer? Yes.

I am exploring ways to make all kinds of 3D letters and this is just one of the things I'll cover in the class.  It's not hard and it brings a whole new look to your CarveWright pieces....
I know because I've done it already!  The secondary edge on most of these letters is very easy to set up in Designer and adds even more dimension to your pieces!

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